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Rent Peugeot Traveller in Zaporozhye

Peugeot Travelleror similar | Minivan
Diesel / 5.5 L.
2.0 L 150 hp
Diesel / 5.5 L.
2.0 L 150 hp

Customer Reviews


Минивэн в хорошем состоянии, все целое, чистое. На мой взгляд коробка немного медленная. Если нужно быстро переключиться между P-D-R то АКПП задумается не надолго. В остальном все отлично!


Відкрив для прокат авто, який відповідає європейським стандартам, як по якості обслуговування так і по автопарку. Дякую за комфорт


Очень легкий в управлении автомобиль. Приятно ездить со всем своим семейством по вашим дорогам. Правда не сразу привык к отсутствию стандартного рычага переключения передач. Вертушка эта странная. Но потом привык. Даже понравилось. Короче самое оно для поездок с пассажирами! Да и багажник не подкачал. Даже не в три этажа сумки расставили. А от жены с водительского кресла можно отдельным подлокотником отгородится. :) Это отдельный плюсище!

How to book Peugeot Traveller in Zaporozhye ?

The "NarsCars protection" service is a reliable way to protect yourself and the car during the rental. We provide our customers with the opportunity to use our fleet without worrying about possible financial losses associated with car damage or theft.
We guarantee that your rental will be safe, convenient and worry-free if you choose this service.

*If you do not add NarsCars Protection to your claim and return the vehicle with damage, the repair cost will be deducted from your deposit.

The daily mileage limit is 300 km, but not more than 4500 km per month. In case of overrun, each kilometer is paid additionally according to the company's tariffs;
IMPORTANT! The tenant can order the "Unlimited mileage" service so as not to limit himself in kilometers. The cost of the service is according to the tariffs of the company.

You must have a passport, a driver's license (driving experience of at least 2 years), a bank card and a TIN (for citizens of Ukraine), as well as an age of at least 23 years.

To do this, you need to select the service "Standard protection" or "Full protection" and then you do not need to leave a large deposit.

- Добавьте опцию Стандартная защита или Полная защита в свою аренду и не думайте о рисках, связанных с повреждением кузова. Все расходы будут покрываться страховкой.

The person renting the car Peugeot Traveller must have a valid driver's license, driving experience of at least 2 years, and at least 23 years of age.

The decision to admit a driver who does not meet these requirements is made individually.

The cost of the Peugeot Traveller in Zaporozhye rental service depends on several factors, such as the rental period and seasonality. We provide a flexible pricing policy, which may vary depending on these factors.

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Rent a Peugeot Traveler in Zaporozhye at a low price

If you need to go on a trip with your family or friends, transfer a group of people, partners or employees, rent a Peugeot Traveler in NarsCars for a long time. The longer the rental period, the lower the price. French commercial minivan Peugeot Traveler is available for rent with a 2 liter diesel engine of 150 horsepower and automatic transmission. The interior of the car is in line with the latest trends and trends in the automotive industry and boasts the quality of the finishing material and the fit of all interior details.

In the center of the dashboard is the display of the multimedia system, which displays all information, navigation and system notifications. Embossed seats with lateral support and independent adjustment will make your trip convenient and comfortable. The Traveler is one of the most sought after vehicles on the modern commercial market.

If you need a quality and time-tested service, contact NarsCars rental company and book the selected car. Our company provides rental services throughout Ukraine. When booking a car, pay attention to additional options and services, such as:

  • Unlimited mileage.
  • Additional driver.
  • Return in another city.
  • Baby chair.
  • Phone holder with wireless charging.

To book a car, our customers must be over 23 years old and have a driving experience of 2 years. Call and book Peugeot Traveler right now!