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How to book a car in Ivano-Frankivsk ?
You can rent a car at jur. person, for this you need to fill out the form and send it to us or call our legal department. persons +38 067 120 7318
In the event of an accident involving a rented car, you need to call the police at the scene of the accident, report to the rental company.
You can make payment in the following ways:
- Visa/Mastercard payment cards
- Cashless payment with VAT
- Apple Pay and Google Pay
- Payment online on the site (there will be a discount)
Drivers who issue cars always have wireless payment terminals with them.
The "NarsCars protection" service is a reliable way to protect yourself and the car during the rental. We provide our customers with the opportunity to use our fleet without worrying about possible financial losses associated with car damage or theft.
We guarantee that your rental will be safe, convenient and worry-free if you choose this service.
Yes, insurance is included in the price.
All cars are insured according to the legislation of Ukraine.
Your maximum liability in the event of vehicle damage or an accident is the amount of the deposit.
To do this, all conditions of the contract must be met.
* You can rent a car with “Full Protection” (no deposit)
Cars rented from NarsCars are issued with a full tank of fuel and the rented car must be returned with the same fuel level.
It is possible to return the car with less fuel in the tank than when you received the car, but this implies the need to pay for the difference in the amount of fuel.
The daily mileage limit is 300 km, but not more than 4500 km per month. In case of overrun, each kilometer is paid additionally according to the company's tariffs;
IMPORTANT! The tenant can order the "Unlimited mileage" service so as not to limit himself in kilometers. The cost of the service is according to the tariffs of the company.
You must have a passport, a driver's license (driving experience of at least 2 years), a bank card and a TIN (for citizens of Ukraine), as well as an age of at least 21 years.
The car rental deposit amount in Ivano-Frankivsk may depend on factors such as the make and model of the car.
The deposit is your maximum liability in case of damage to the car or an accident. To do this, all conditions of the contract must be met.
Important conditions are the possession of a valid driver's license, driving experience of at least 2 years, and age of at least 21 years. And also, you must have a passport, bank card and TIN with you (for citizens of Ukraine).
The cost of a car rental service in in Ivano-Frankivsk may vary depending on various factors, such as the make and model of the car, the duration of the rental, seasonality, availability of additional services and other factors.
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