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Car for the period of repair in Simferopol

Kia Sportageor similar | SUV
Kia Sportage
1-3 days
$55 / per day
4-9 days
$47 / per day
10-25 days
$43 / per day
26+ days
$40 / per day
Citroen C-Elyseeor similar | Economy
Citroen C-Elysee
1-3 days
$35 / per day
4-9 days
$32 / per day
10-25 days
$29 / per day
26+ days
$26 / per day

You can drive as long as it takes to repair your car.

Cars in the company are not older than 3 years and undergo systematic inspection and scheduled maintenance, as well as restoration work at authorized service stations. Before handing over directly to the tenant, the machine is checked for the presence of the necessary fluids and the current technical serviceability of the elements subject to visual inspection is checked.

You can get a replacement car on our website using the 24-hour booking form, or you can use the help of our telephone consultant from 09:00 to 18:00, who will gladly accept a car reservation from the selected price group and offer the best for your needs.

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+38 067 120 7318