Seasoned travelers will confirm: the best way to travel is by car. You will be completely free to choose the route and schedule. If you want - stay longer in an interesting place, if you want - turn off the wide road to see the attraction from an unusual angle or just enjoy the beauty of the landscape that has opened up. On the way, various, not always pleasant surprises are possible, so you should think carefully in advance what you need to take with you on the trip. Start your preparation by making a list.
Documents required when traveling by car
The set of documents for all participants in the trip and for the car is approximately the same and includes:
- Ukrainian passports of all travelers over 14 years old, and for children - birth certificates;
- hotel booking vouchers;
- driver's license;
- technical passport of the car;
- certificate of its registration;
- CTP or CASCO insurance policy;
- document certifying the right to use the machine - sales contract, power of attorney, etc.
You need to make copies of documents and store them separately - say, at the bottom of a suitcase with things. If the originals are lost, the copies will come in handy.
Take care of your financial security in advance. Be sure to take some amount of cash on the road, and spread the rest of the money on several different cards. In case of theft or loss of one of them, you will not be left without a penny in your pocket.

What things and clothes should I take?
Travel should be fun, not worry. Put your most comfortable clothes in your travel suitcase - practical and wrinkle-free. Jeans, shorts, T-shirts, sweaters, tracksuit - these are the most suitable clothes for traveling by car. Shoes - sneakers, light moccasins or boots for the season. Practice shows that one or two "ceremonial" outfits is quite enough if the travel program includes a trip to the theater or a pretentious restaurant.
As for travel items, the trip will not interfere with:
- a light blanket and a couple of small pillows in case you want to sleep in the back seat;
- collar pillows are a good option;
- thermal bag for food and drinks;
- a small backpack or bag for walking, on the bottom of which you can put your spare car keys;
- a notebook or notebook and a pen to take notes;
- several disposable sets of dishes for each passenger;
- knife (preferably multitool);
- towels and basic personal hygiene items - the rest can be bought on the road;
- a thermos, or preferably two - one for drinks, the second soup, with a wide neck, in which you can brew noodles or soup from bags;
- several five-liter bottles of water for drinking and washing;
- a thermo mug or a travel kettle with a cigarette lighter socket so that you can boil water on the way;
- umbrella or waterproof cape.
This is just a minimal list of things you need to take on a long journey. Of course, you have something to supplement it with - for example, your favorite cosmetics, fishing accessories, baby clothes, etc. But do not forget that the size of the trunk of your car is finite, and the carrying capacity is not particularly large.
What equipment do you need for the trip?
A modern person cannot even live a day without the usual equipment that provides us with everyday and psychological comfort. Going on a tourist trip by car, it is advisable to take with you:
- a phone or tablet (and possibly both) and a charger with a cigarette lighter adapter;
- a navigator (although you can get by with a phone, installing detailed maps of the proposed route into it);
- a video recorder is a useful device that will not only protect you on the road, but also help to save the video history of the trip;
- laptop with a charging cord;
- headphones;
- at least one Power bank in case the phone runs out during a walk;
- travel models of iron and hair dryer, if you booked a hotel that is not too high class;
- a multi-outlet extension cord or tee if you have a lot of gadgets that require simultaneous charging;
- an adapter for electrical outlets, if the standard of the host country differs from ours;
- headlamp for emergency situations;
- spare battery pack.
Download movies, music, e-books to your phone or tablet in advance so that you have something to keep yourself busy on a long journey. Put the necessary things in the car so that you can easily find and get them, because you will need almost all of them in the first day or hours of the journey.
Putting the first aid kit on the road
The contents of the car first aid kit are intended for first aid in case of an accident on the road, but it is clearly not enough for a long trip. Complete the list of medicines:
- antipyretic pills or powders;
- anesthetic;
- preparations for intestinal disorders - Activated Carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel;
- anti-burn cream or foam;
- antiallergenic agent;
- lollipops for sore throat;
- plaster, bandage, cotton wool.
If someone from the family is constantly taking certain medications, be sure to take with you in reserve, which will be enough for the entire duration of your trip. It is possible that it will not be possible to buy the drug without a prescription.
Traveling with a rented car
If you are going to travel around Ukraine, but do not want to use your personal transport, use the rental services. In Ukraine, car rental is quite affordable, and you can book a suitable car in advance via the Internet. To complete the contract, you will need a driver's license, as well as the presence of a certain amount on your card, which will be blocked until the car is returned. Find out in advance the size of this amount and other nuances that may be important - for example, the permissible daily mileage, the possibility.
Thorough preparation is half the success of any business. Do not neglect the little things, think over the route in advance, and then the trip will definitely bring you only positive impressions.