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Rules for the carriage of children in cars

Rules for the carriage of children in cars

A large number of accidents — one of the main reasons for the tightening of laws and amendments to the existing traffic rules in Ukraine. At the same time, special attention is paid to the safety of small passengers. Injury, and often death of children in car accidents, in most cases occurs due to elementary non-observance of the rules. In particular, many parents do not use special chairs for babies in their cars. And this is despite the fact that the use of such constructive devices is enshrined in the legal framework, and failure to comply with the requirements is punishable by a fine.

Laws and changes in traffic rules

Until recently, transporting children in a car did not attract much attention. The exception was bus trips. When organizing them, such aspects as: the technical condition of transport and the professional level of the driver were taken into account.

According to statistics, more than half of the injuries suffered by small passengers are not associated with organized trips, but with car accidents. This is caused by the absence of special devices in the machines & ndash; car seats or boosters. The usual practice, when a baby rides in the arms of an adult, turned out to be the most dangerous. Traditional seat belts are also not reliable protection for small passengers.

In November 2019, a law came into force that toughens the requirements for the carriage of children by cars. According to this document, administrative liability is introduced for the lack of special equipment in the cabin. Clause 21.11 of the current traffic rules clearly states how movement on the roads of the country should be carried out. It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 and whose height is less than 145 cm without restraints on any of the car seats.

According to the rules, babies cannot be transported either:

  • on mopeds and motorcycles;
  • in truck bodies;
  • when moving as part of a group at night.

Today, all car rental companies for families with small children offer special seats. The devices used are universal and can be transformed for a baby of any age and height.

Transportation of infants

The infant must have a designated seat in the cabin. For babies, special infant carriers are used. The child in them should be in a horizontal position and be fastened with an elastic belt. This device is attached to the rear seat.

It is also allowed to use a group 0+ child seat. The device should be installed in the cabin in such a way that the baby is placed with his back to the windshield and against the direction of travel.

Car rental companies Narscars at the request of the customer, they can be equipped with special car seats or cradles, the reliability of which is ensured by a special five-point belt. For ease of transfer, the chairs have handles.

Transportation of children 7-12 years old

General car safety regulations do not apply to small passengers. The seat belts in the car do not work on children in the same way as on adults. A child with sudden braking can slip out from under them. For the carriage of small passengers aged 7 to 12 years, there are special seats with restraining belts and designed for low weight.

The use of boosters is also permitted. Visually, they are similar to the lower part of car seats, while being a set of special pillows. The device is designed to raise the baby to such a height that it is convenient to fasten it with a regular seat belt. This product may only be used if the child is over 1 meter tall. For older children, special adapters can be used.

Such devices can be easily installed on Narscars rental cars, which makes travel for small passengers completely safe.

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Baby seats

Taking care of the safety of the child, you should carefully consider the choice of seats for him. It must be effective and meet certain requirements. It is important to consider the following.

  1. When transporting children under 3 years of age, a five-point harness is mandatory.
  2. The quality and equipment of the special device must comply with safety and ergonomic standards.
  3. The seat should be selected according to the parameters of the child and taking into account the characteristics of the car's interior.
  4. The upholstery of the chair is made of durable, moisture-permeable material that is easy to wash.
  5. The seat, made of primary plastic, bends on impact, but does not break.
  6. The shelf life of a quality product is 6 years.
  7. Removing the chair shouldn't cause any problems.

When choosing to rent a car, you need to check the certification of child car seats, which is evidenced by the mark of the manufacturer.

Rent a car


The rules in force in Ukraine do not allow the transportation of children under 12 years old and under 1 meter 45 centimeters tall without special devices. At the same time, their installation should be provided for in the design of the vehicle.

Violation of the rules leads to the drawing up of an administrative protocol and the imposition of a fine:

  • for a single violation in a year – 519 uah.;
  • for repeated – 850 uah.

The legislation does not contain a direct list of special means that guarantee the safe transportation of small passengers. Therefore, choosingcar rental services, Each client decides for himself what exactly his child will be protected with while driving: a booster, a child car seat or an adapter for a seat belt.


For those who travel a lot with children and автопрокат has become commonplace, it will not be superfluous first, before drawing up a contract, to check the operation of all mechanisms of the car seat and its compliance with the height, weight and age of the child. It is not recommended to choose a seat with Velcro fasteners, as they will not be able to provide reliable body retention under heavy load.

Adhering to the rules of traffic rules, approach the selection of a car seat for transporting your child wisely and do not skimp on his safety.

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