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TOP 5 family cars for travel: how to choose the best option

For a vacation trip with two or more children, the ideal option would be to rent a family car. To help you decide on the right brand and model, we will tell you about the requirements that such cars must meet, and provide the top best family cars according to NarsCars experts.

Types of car bodies

In some ways, the automotive designers and engineers themselves are to blame for people confusing car bodies. All motorists know what a station wagon, hatchback, sedan is, but they can hardly define a roadster, fastback, hardtop.

Gift for a car lover for the New Year

To give a person pleasure, to leave positive emotions and memories, it is customary to give gifts. If the person to whom the present is intended is a passionate car lover and cannot imagine his life without a car, put something special under the tree for him.

American car industry and it's history

Initially, American car factories were focused on producing quality vehicles at affordable prices. Every day, about 10,000 cars leave the assembly lines of the country, which remain of high quality and affordable for everyone, like the first cars of Henry Ford. That is why American car brands are still leaders in sales.

How to protect your car from theft

If a professional car thief has his eyes on your car, most likely, his idea will come true. But there are methods and technical devices that will help to detain the attacker until the police arrive.

French car industry and its history

France is the birthplace of the automotive industry. It was here in the 18th century that the first vehicle called Cugno's steam cart appeared. And now the French auto industry is in 13th place in the world in the production of cars.

The most expensive cars in the world

In recent years, the global auto industry has reduced its production. But neither the global crises nor the global pandemic had a significant impact on the luxury car market. They continue to be in demand and attract the attention of fans of exclusive supercars and luxury cars. Consider the TOP 10 most luxurious and expensive car models of this year.

Correct fit in the car

Many drivers often make such a common mistake as landing incorrectly in a car seat while driving a car. Gradually, they reinforce this ineffective posture, which is contrary to safety rules and harms their own health. Therefore, proper seating is important for road safety, driving comfort and driving comfort.

Electric cars - features of operation and charging of a rented electric car

Electric cars are comfortable and environmentally friendly. This type of car has recently been in demand in Ukraine. With them, you care about the environment and save on fuel costs. After concluding an agreement with a favorable night electricity rate, the owners of the electric car significantly reduce their expenses. Using a rented electric car is no less practical than using your own.

Car with which engine to choose: gasoline or diesel?

When choosing a car for both short-term and long-term lease, most often they are guided by the appearance of the body, the convenience of the interior, the variety of functionality, and only then - on the type of engine used. This approach is not always correct, because it is depending on the type of fuel used (gasoline or diesel) that the power, vehicle dynamics and fuel consumption within the city and beyond will change.

Which minivan to rent for the whole family?

In order for a large family or company to travel somewhere, a standard crossover will not be enough. And if the bus seems too big, then renting a minivan is the perfect choice. A minivan is a one-volume vehicle that belongs to passenger cars and has a class C. In terms of dimensions, it occupies an intermediate place between cargo-and-passenger vehicles and minibuses.

Top expected cars of 2021 in Ukraine

Many new and bright restyled car models await motorists in Kiev and the whole country this year. The main attention of buyers will traditionally be focused on the class of crossovers and SUVs, because they account for three quarters of sales. In addition, PHEVs (rechargeable hybrids) and pure electric vehicles are of great interest to the public. Interest in vehicle electrification has arisen in the last 5-10 years and is not going to fade, which demonstrates the popularity of electric car rental in NarsCars and other car rental companies.

World car rental history

A hundred years ago, almost simultaneously in Europe and the United States, the idea of giving your car to everyone for temporary use appeared. There are several contenders for the title of the pioneer of this business, thanks to which today in Ukraine

The price of the coolest sedan Toyota Corolla 2020 has been announced

The announcement of a special version of the popular Toyota Corolla 2020 sedan - Apex Edition - was announced back in July, but the prices became known only now. According to Carscoops, citing documentation obtained by the brand's dealerships, the Apex Edition limited edition sedan will cost between $ 26,065 and $ 30,000.

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+38 067 120 7318
8 L / 100 km.
2.4 L 180 hp
1-3 days
$68 / per day
$130 / per day
4-9 days
$60 / per day
$100 / per day
10-25 days
$52 / per day
$79 / per day
26+ days
$44 / per day
$67 / per day
13 L / 100 km.
3.5 L 280 hp
1-3 days
$160 / per day
$440 / per day
4-9 days
$144 / per day
$324 / per day
10-25 days
$120 / per day
$251 / per day
26+ days
$80 / per day
$180 / per day
13.6 L / 100 km.
4.0 L 489 hp
1-3 days
$312 / per day
$592 / per day
4-9 days
$280 / per day
$460 / per day
10-25 days
$260 / per day
$391 / per day
26+ days
$200 / per day
$300 / per day
6.2 L / 100 km.
1.8 L 180 hp
1-3 days
$68 / per day
$130 / per day
4-9 days
$60 / per day
$100 / per day
10-25 days
$52 / per day
$79 / per day
26+ days
$44 / per day
$67 / per day
8.2 L / 100 km.
1.5 L 190 hp
1-3 days
$72 / per day
$137 / per day
4-9 days
$64 / per day
$106 / per day
10-25 days
$56 / per day
$84 / per day
26+ days
$48 / per day
$72 / per day
8.2 L / 100 km.
3.0 L 286 hp
1-3 days
$176 / per day
$456 / per day
4-9 days
$160 / per day
$340 / per day
10-25 days
$144 / per day
$275 / per day
26+ days
$128 / per day
$228 / per day
11.2 L / 100 km.
3.5 L 276 hp
1-3 days
$160 / per day
$304 / per day
4-9 days
$144 / per day
$238 / per day
10-25 days
$130 / per day
$195 / per day
26+ days
$103 / per day
$155 / per day
6.4 L / 100 km.
1.3 L 158 hp
1-3 days
$72 / per day
$137 / per day
4-9 days
$64 / per day
$106 / per day
10-25 days
$56 / per day
$84 / per day
26+ days
$48 / per day
$72 / per day