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Rules for towing a car

What methods of towing a car exist, how to do it according to the rules of the road, and what are the differences in towing a car with a manual and automatic transmission, we will understand in this article.

French car industry and its history

France is the birthplace of the automotive industry. It was here in the 18th century that the first vehicle called Cugno's steam cart appeared. And now the French auto industry is in 13th place in the world in the production of cars.

How not to fall asleep while driving

Just imagine: a quarter of all serious road traffic accidents happen because the driver fell asleep at the wheel. In this article, we will look at the causes and remedies to combat drowsiness while driving.

The most beautiful roads in the world

Breathtaking landscapes and magnificent views outside the car window will make even the most boring and long journey bright and unforgettable. A great way to get inspired while traveling and return home with pockets full of inspiration is to drive the most beautiful roads in the world.

How wireless access works

Keyless entry is the authorization of the car owner using a digital smart key. Access is made contactless, the owner of the car just needs to approach it. The doors will be instantly unlocked, he will sit behind the wheel and, by pressing a button, will start the engine. But what unforeseen situations may arise?

The most expensive cars in the world

In recent years, the global auto industry has reduced its production. But neither the global crises nor the global pandemic had a significant impact on the luxury car market. They continue to be in demand and attract the attention of fans of exclusive supercars and luxury cars. Consider the TOP 10 most luxurious and expensive car models of this year.

Toll roads in Ukraine and the world

In Ukraine, the condition of the road surface is a long-standing and big problem. It is proposed to solve it by building toll roads. This type of automobile "arteries" has long been used in many European countries and in the USA. The toll highway has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.

Automotive industry in Germany and its history

The German automotive industry has always been at the forefront. Machines from Germany compete with European, Asian and North American vehicles. Despite the high competition in the market, German cars are still popular. Every year, more than 10 million cars roll off the assembly lines of factories. German-made machines are the epitome of quality, reliability and elegance. Let's get acquainted in more detail with the history of auto brands in this country.

Correct fit in the car

Many drivers often make such a common mistake as landing incorrectly in a car seat while driving a car. Gradually, they reinforce this ineffective posture, which is contrary to safety rules and harms their own health. Therefore, proper seating is important for road safety, driving comfort and driving comfort.

How to park properly

Experienced car drivers know that the skill of parking properly is one of the main things when driving a car. When teaching driving, this skill is given special attention. Different types of parking require different maneuvers. Consider the basic methods and rules for parking a car, as well as tips for choosing a parking space.

World road rating

Any driver knows that the condition and quality of the road plays the most important role when driving a car. There is an unspoken opinion that the level of development of the state depends on the state of its road surfaces. Today, the level of construction of highways and autobahns is so high that you can drive along them quietly, quickly and smoothly.

Japanese auto industry and its history

The automotive industry in Japan today is one of the most developed and largest industries in the world. Japanese car manufacturers are constantly focused on the development and implementation of technological innovation, product improvement and safety. Such success was achieved thanks to thoughtful and purposeful development. Historically, the auto industry has developed in stages, having made a major breakthrough in the middle of the last century.

Do I need to wear seat belts?

Without exaggeration, a seat belt keeps the life and health of the driver and passengers during an accident. Despite the invention of the airbag, the belt shows the best results during research in various accidents on the road. But many drivers in Ukraine stubbornly ignore him. Let's figure out whether you need a seat belt for road users or not.

The most common causes of road accidents

A traffic accident is a situation that every driver wants to avoid. However, according to statistics, accidents on the roads of Ukraine are increasing every year. The main reason is the increase in the number of cars. But the catalyst is the inattention of motorists and traffic violations. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, we will consider the main causes of an accident. Narscars specialists have prepared material on 7 main situations leading to accidents.

Electric cars - features of operation and charging of a rented electric car

Electric cars are comfortable and environmentally friendly. This type of car has recently been in demand in Ukraine. With them, you care about the environment and save on fuel costs. After concluding an agreement with a favorable night electricity rate, the owners of the electric car significantly reduce their expenses. Using a rented electric car is no less practical than using your own.

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8 L / 100 km.
2.4 L 180 hp
1-3 days
$68 / per day
$130 / per day
4-9 days
$60 / per day
$100 / per day
10-25 days
$52 / per day
$79 / per day
26+ days
$44 / per day
$67 / per day
13 L / 100 km.
3.5 L 280 hp
1-3 days
$160 / per day
$440 / per day
4-9 days
$144 / per day
$324 / per day
10-25 days
$120 / per day
$251 / per day
26+ days
$80 / per day
$180 / per day
13.6 L / 100 km.
4.0 L 489 hp
1-3 days
$312 / per day
$592 / per day
4-9 days
$280 / per day
$460 / per day
10-25 days
$260 / per day
$391 / per day
26+ days
$200 / per day
$300 / per day
6.2 L / 100 km.
1.8 L 180 hp
1-3 days
$68 / per day
$130 / per day
4-9 days
$60 / per day
$100 / per day
10-25 days
$52 / per day
$79 / per day
26+ days
$44 / per day
$67 / per day
8.2 L / 100 km.
1.5 L 190 hp
1-3 days
$72 / per day
$137 / per day
4-9 days
$64 / per day
$106 / per day
10-25 days
$56 / per day
$84 / per day
26+ days
$48 / per day
$72 / per day
8.2 L / 100 km.
3.0 L 286 hp
1-3 days
$176 / per day
$456 / per day
4-9 days
$160 / per day
$340 / per day
10-25 days
$144 / per day
$275 / per day
26+ days
$128 / per day
$228 / per day
11.2 L / 100 km.
3.5 L 276 hp
1-3 days
$160 / per day
$304 / per day
4-9 days
$144 / per day
$238 / per day
10-25 days
$130 / per day
$195 / per day
26+ days
$103 / per day
$155 / per day
6.4 L / 100 km.
1.3 L 158 hp
1-3 days
$72 / per day
$137 / per day
4-9 days
$64 / per day
$106 / per day
10-25 days
$56 / per day
$84 / per day
26+ days
$48 / per day
$72 / per day