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How to rent a car

Despite the wide distribution of vehicle rental and the abundance of offers from Ukrainian and international companies, the “car for rent” service for many motorists remains not fully understood. Meanwhile, each time calling a taxi or using public transport is not always convenient and profitable.

How to properly wash a car

Washing your car regularly not only makes driving more comfortable, but also prolongs its life and saves the driver from fines for a dirty windshield or license plates. The car can be washed by yourself or at a car wash.

Tips on how to choose a car

Among car enthusiasts, there is an opinion that buying a used car entails an inevitable loss of money and personal time, while buying a new car means a loss of initial value and significant investments. Of course, a new vehicle breaks down less and often looks better.

Interesting facts about houses on wheels

A house on wheels is one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind. Its owner can leave the place at any time and go on a trip, without thinking about where he will live and spend the night.

How a hybrid car works?

Hybrid cars have been known since the last century. Since then, technology has developed rapidly, and now an auto hybrid is no longer an invention of science fiction writers, but a very real vehicle that, in terms of its characteristics, is not inferior to classic cars on an internal combustion engine.

Types of car bodies

In some ways, the automotive designers and engineers themselves are to blame for people confusing car bodies. All motorists know what a station wagon, hatchback, sedan is, but they can hardly define a roadster, fastback, hardtop.

How to determine the correct tire pressure in winter?

One of the parameters that significantly affect the behavior of a car on the road is tire pressure. It is especially important to know it and be able to measure it in winter.

How much does it cost to travel around Europe by car?

Traveling by car in Europe – it is a mass of positive emotions and unforgettable adventures. How to make it as comfortable, safe as possible and how much will it cost?

What to take on the road from food?

It is interesting that the main part of the expenses for long-distance trips by car is not fuel for it, but food - a banal snack on the road that you forgot to take with you. Meanwhile, thinking in advance about what food to take on the road will save you a lot of nerves, time and money.

Gift for a car lover for the New Year

To give a person pleasure, to leave positive emotions and memories, it is customary to give gifts. If the person to whom the present is intended is a passionate car lover and cannot imagine his life without a car, put something special under the tree for him.

Cameras for recording traffic violations. How to avoid a fine?

Cameras for fixing traffic violations are installed in order to reduce deaths on the roads and reduce the number of violations themselves. This is a noble goal, but many motorists are interested in how to avoid fines due to the operation of these systems.

What should be in a car first aid kit

The fact that every car must have a first-aid kit, every driver learns at the driver's courses. Its equipment can be basic and supplemented by the driver himself. In this article, we will consider what each of the kits of a car first aid kit should contain and whether it can be assembled independently.

American car industry and it's history

Initially, American car factories were focused on producing quality vehicles at affordable prices. Every day, about 10,000 cars leave the assembly lines of the country, which remain of high quality and affordable for everyone, like the first cars of Henry Ford. That is why American car brands are still leaders in sales.

How to protect your car from theft

If a professional car thief has his eyes on your car, most likely, his idea will come true. But there are methods and technical devices that will help to detain the attacker until the police arrive.

Stopped by the police: what should the owner of a rented car do

When driving a vehicle, you must know and follow the rules of the road. If you have rented a car, this does not relieve you of the need to comply with traffic rules.

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8 L / 100 km.
2.4 L 180 hp
1-3 days
$68 / per day
$130 / per day
4-9 days
$60 / per day
$100 / per day
10-25 days
$52 / per day
$79 / per day
26+ days
$44 / per day
$67 / per day
13 L / 100 km.
3.5 L 280 hp
1-3 days
$160 / per day
$440 / per day
4-9 days
$144 / per day
$324 / per day
10-25 days
$120 / per day
$251 / per day
26+ days
$80 / per day
$180 / per day
13.6 L / 100 km.
4.0 L 489 hp
1-3 days
$312 / per day
$592 / per day
4-9 days
$280 / per day
$460 / per day
10-25 days
$260 / per day
$391 / per day
26+ days
$200 / per day
$300 / per day
6.2 L / 100 km.
1.8 L 180 hp
1-3 days
$68 / per day
$130 / per day
4-9 days
$60 / per day
$100 / per day
10-25 days
$52 / per day
$79 / per day
26+ days
$44 / per day
$67 / per day
8.2 L / 100 km.
1.5 L 190 hp
1-3 days
$72 / per day
$137 / per day
4-9 days
$64 / per day
$106 / per day
10-25 days
$56 / per day
$84 / per day
26+ days
$48 / per day
$72 / per day
8.2 L / 100 km.
3.0 L 286 hp
1-3 days
$176 / per day
$456 / per day
4-9 days
$160 / per day
$340 / per day
10-25 days
$144 / per day
$275 / per day
26+ days
$128 / per day
$228 / per day
11.2 L / 100 km.
3.5 L 276 hp
1-3 days
$160 / per day
$304 / per day
4-9 days
$144 / per day
$238 / per day
10-25 days
$130 / per day
$195 / per day
26+ days
$103 / per day
$155 / per day
6.4 L / 100 km.
1.3 L 158 hp
1-3 days
$72 / per day
$137 / per day
4-9 days
$64 / per day
$106 / per day
10-25 days
$56 / per day
$84 / per day
26+ days
$48 / per day
$72 / per day